PS from the PA – May 2024

Hamilton DermatologyNews

First, I wanted to thank Mel for taking over last month. It was super informative! In dermatology, we are lucky—we get to educate people on fun things like skincare and save lives. So, every May, I remind everyone about Skin Cancer Awareness Month! The most common forms of skin cancer include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US, affecting about 9,500 people daily. The good news is that it is also the most preventable form of cancer! The two leading causes of skin cancer are the sun’s UV rays and tanning beds. Some surprising statistics include: the use of tanning beds before age 20 will increase your chance of being diagnosed with melanoma by 47%, and your risk of melanoma doubles if you’ve had more than five sunburns.

To reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, the American Academy of Dermatology encourages everyone to practice safe sun, no matter the color of their skin. You can practice safe sun by following three simple steps while outside: seek shade, wear sun-protective clothing, and apply sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection. Skin cancer is cancer that you can SEE, so it is also essential to ensure you get your yearly skin exams by a licensed professional and schedule appointments if you notice anything new, changing, or unusual.

Download a useful information sheet about 9 ways you can protect your skin to help prevent skin cancer.

For more skin cancer facts and how you can help raise awareness, visit and be sure to call our office at 770-360-8881 to schedule your annual skin check appointment!

Madison Hamilton, MMS, PA-C

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