Acne is one of my favorite diseases to treat. However, treating acne does not always end when the cysts and pimples start to clear. No, sometimes the acne scarring needs to be treated, as well. Scarring occurs when inflammatory acne damages the deeper layers of the skin. When wounds are healing, collagen factors are recruited to the area to help remodel the skin. The acne variants that are most likely going to scar are inflammatory cysts and picked or popped pimples. Genetics also plays a role in the development of acne scars.
Acne scars can have several different appearances. The most common variations are ice pick scars, rolling scars, and boxcar scars. Ice pick scars are deep, narrow, and pitted. Rolling and boxcar scars have broad depressions with either sloping or sharply defined edges. As aging occurs, sometimes those acne scars can become more apparent as our collagen diminishes. We often recommend starting treatment for scars sooner rather than later when the ability to produce collagen and remodel skin is still optimal.
At our office, each person and each scar receive individualized treatment. Some options include lasers, micro-needling, filler, and chemical peels. Each of these treatments aims to stimulate collagen and break up scar adhesions. Treatment often consists of a series of procedures. If you believe you are a candidate to treat acne scars, schedule an appointment with Tanisha, our cosmetic consultant, or Allene, our Esthetician to get your individualized recommendations.
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