Try our mini-regimen of Hamilton DermaScience products and get 10% off.
The feedback we have received about the Hamilton DermaScience products has been fantastic. So many patients have been able to start a customized regimen and to change the texture and tone of their skin. If you have been wanting to try the products but are unsure where to start, you can schedule a skincare consultation with Allene and she’d be happy to create a custom regimen based on your unique needs and lifestyle.
Don’t have time for a consultation? Not a problem! Come into the office and get one of Dr. Hamilton’s mini-regimens. The Hamilton DermaScience mini-regimen includes four products and is targeted to various skin types. It’s a great way to try out our line of research-based skincare products.
Patients purchasing a mini-regimen will receive 10% off their product purchase, and patients purchasing a full six-product regimen will continue to get 20% off.
This exclusive line of scientifically-proven skincare products is available only through Hamilton Dermatology, one of the world’s top cosmetic dermatology centers.